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This report shown at the bottom of the page is accessed from the dropdown menu Report Type in the Reports section of the new client:

For the report to have any/valid data the trainer MUST HAVE had trainees with a CONFIRMED TRAINEE ROLE working with them and those trainees must have COMPLETED THEIR TRAINING HISTORY so the system can calculate their year in training.  If the report has missing data or low numbers then this will be because trainees have not been verified in the system or are missing trainee history.

The report displays the number (percentage) of procedures at each supervision level with national comparative data for a trainer’s 20 most frequent operations with an individual trainee​.​

The flags used are as follows​:

Green The trainer’s supervision rate is above the national average​

Yellow The trainer’s supervision rate is below but within the 95% CI of the national average​

Red The trainer’s supervision rate is below the 95% CI of the national average